Lemosho-Western Breach Route

Our Lemosho-Western Breach-Crater Route (9 days on the mountain) is plain and simply the best route to experience the thrill of climbing Kilimanjaro.

It is one of the least crowded routes, it is one of the most fascinating and it is long enough to provide proper acclimatization. We use essentially the same route as the IMAX team during the filming of "Kilimanjaro: To the Roof of Africa".

Anyone can do it! We've guided 11 y/o kids and grandfathers in their 70s safely up the Western Breach!

When the Western Breach is closed due to excessive snow or potential for rock falls, we follow the equally impressive Lemosho-Stella Point-Crater Route.

The Western Breach route is more risky due to the potential for rock falls.

Please watch the route video below

We require our clients to bring or rent light-weight climb helmets and we ask them to wear it for 6 hours during the morning after departing Arrow Glacier camp and we also equip our team with helmets.

There is a lot of wrong information on the internet about this route!

The scrambling sections are nothing to worry about! There are 4 short scrambling sections but since we climb these during daytime hours, these pose no problems. You are not at all exposed to open, death-defying rock faces as some would like you to believe! None these sections are anywhere as daunting as the famous Barranco Wall on the Machame and other routes.

Inexperienced guides can get you into trouble on the Breach. Rock falls are the most dangerous occurrence. Experienced guides know which areas to avoid.

Don't climb the Breach in a large group. We see groups of 12 -20 people trying to navigate the scrambles. Add 50 -70 guides and porters and you have a huge mess. There are loose rocks everywhere, the pace is stop & go, and it takes forever to reach the rim. The Breach works best when you climb in a small group of 8 or less. Then you can spread out and avoid loose rocks.

All Breach climbers must sign an extra waiver at the park gates - indicating they understand the extra risks involved.

Camping at 18,500 feet is serious business and you can develop serious altitude-related symptoms if you attempt this without being properly acclimatized and without proper safety equipment. 

ONLY A FEW OUTFITTERS HAVE THE EQUIPMENT AND KNOW-HOW to guide you safely to the Crater Camp and beyond. This is no place for a budget outfitter.





Lemosho-Stella-Crater Route

When the Western Breach is closed due to excessive snow or rock fall dangers, we follow the equally impressive Lemosho-Stella Point-Crater Route. 

This route is very special for several reasons:

  • It is a combination of the best features of the Lemosho and Machame routes! You get to view the Lemosho forest, the Shira Plateau, Lava Tower, the Western Breach from a safe distance, the dramatic Barranco Wall, the beautiful Karanga Valley, the ice-fields of the Crater Camp and the Mweka rain forest.
  • There is no night-climbing! We climb only during day time hours.
  • We camp between the glaciers near the crater rim!
  • It is safer than the normal Western Breach approach and less crowded than the standard Machame route.
  • Everybody can do it! It is very satisfying and breathtakingly beautiful. But since the high camp is at 18,500 feet you must do it the right way! Few outfitters are familiar with this route and even fewer have the experience and safety equipment needed to camp safely near the Crater rim. With a proven summit success record, we know a thing or two about camping at 18,500 feet!
Camping at 18,500 feet is serious business and you can develop serious altitude-related symptoms if you attempt this without being properly acclimatized and without proper safety equipment. 

ONLY A FEW OUTFITTERS HAVE THE EQUIPMENT AND KNOW-HOW to guide you safely to the Crater Camp and beyond. This is no place for a budget outfitter.



Lemosho-Gilmans-Crater Route

We call this the Kibo Northern Trail because it traverses the north side of Kilimanjaro where fewer people go. If you are looking for something different then this route is for you!

Please note - while they may claim otherwise most outfitters and guides are not familiar with this route. Our Team Kibo guides have trekked this route many times and know how to pace your group for proper acclimatization - very important for this route that takes you to Crater Camp.

This route is very special for several reasons:

  • It is a combination of the best features of the Lemosho and Rongai routes! You get to view the Lemosho forest, the Shira Plateau, the Amboseli area, Mawenzi, the ice-fields of the Crater Camp and the Mweka rain forest.
  • There is no night-climbing! We climb only during day time hours.
  • We camp between the glaciers near the crater rim!
  • It is safer than the normal Western Breach approach and less crowded than the standard Machame route.
  • Everybody can do it! It is especially good for trekkers who prefer not to scramble up and over rock sections. Older trekkers should take a serious look at this route.
  • It is very satisfying and breathtakingly beautiful. But since the high camp is at 18,500 feet you must do it the right way! Few outfitters are familiar with this route and even fewer have the experience and safety equipment needed to camp safely near the Crater rim. With a proven summit success record, we know a thing or two about camping at 18,500 feet!
Camping at 18,500 feet is serious business and you can develop serious altitude-related symptoms if you attempt this without being properly acclimatized and without proper safety equipment. 

ONLY A FEW OUTFITTERS HAVE THE EQUIPMENT AND KNOW-HOW to guide you safely to the Crater Camp and beyond. This is no place for a budget outfitter.

                  Please watch this video of the Lemosho-Gilmans-Crater Route


Machame Route

The Machame-Mweka Route (also known as the Whiskey Route) is the 2nd most popular route to the summit (Uhuru Peak) of Kilimanjaro (Kibo).
It is a beautiful route passing through the rain forest , the dry and dusty Shira Plateau, the Barranco area with its senecios and "Breakfast Wall", the exquisite Karanga Valley with its water streams and finally the rocky and inhospitable Barafu - last stop before you make your midnight dash for the top of Kibo.